This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 war on now". </p><p> "You're wrong, Matt. In this country there's a war on every time
doc#136 he had told the others what he had done. In the brief moment I had to talk to them
doc#136 started to slump. </p><p> I forgot to aim. In my sights I watched him looming bigger
doc#136 The few survivors grudgingly turned away. In the distance we could hear the drums and
doc#137 perhaps, but badly in need of repairs. </p><p> In the last analysis, though, Wilson had little
doc#138 knowledge he possessed he forced upon me. In the mornings, I was informed, fluorescent
doc#139 suits of convicts. </p><p> Five miles. </p><p> In a small grove against the river they halted
doc#140 That was another one of those traps. </p><p> In her grim pursuit of tranquillity, Pamela
doc#140 that protruded maliciously above the earth. In spite of her attempt to preserve her balance
doc#141 through the motions of fixing her make-up. In his mood, it was the best way to handle
doc#142 I wait"? "Maybe in a year, Tomas ...". " In a year she'll like living in Clayton's
doc#142 his mother behind is not good". </p><p> " In my place, you'd follow such advice as you
doc#143 he helped out in their roundups. </p><p> In the cow camps, Tom Horn was regarded as
doc#146 attention at the distant crack of a gun. In town no one paid much attention to an occasional
doc#147 deviating from their original course. </p><p> In seconds, Greg made his decision. </p><p>
doc#148 one of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those days poems often told a story in
doc#148 my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him. In one hand he gripped firmly a parasol though
doc#148 suspected why he brought it along. </p><p> In the half darkness I approached cautiously