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doc#144 's guard and landed two blows to the big man 's belly, putting everything he had behind
doc#144 into a corner, grabbed a handful of the man 's shirtfront, and drew back his right fist
doc#146 himself was nowhere to be seen. </p><p> A man knocked the roulette ball about idly in
doc#146 Less assured than the tall, wide-shouldered man in the lead, Cobb followed alertly, a hand
doc#147 home. Mercifully, it was still open. Like a man making a deep dive, Greg took full breath
doc#148 those other activities a young and healthy man just out of college finds interesting. </p>
doc#148 only by marriage, but why she had married a man twice her age, and more, perhaps, I did
doc#148 it is in so many affairs of the heart, a man and a woman meet and something clicks.
doc#148 <p> "I don't know", she said. "You're the man . You figure it out. I've noticed the way