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doc#0 Judge Durwood Pye to investigate reports of
doc#0 legislators act " to have these laws
doc#0 studied and revised to the end of
doc#0 practices which inure to the best interest
doc#0 should be combined to achieve greater efficiency
doc#0 "take steps to remedy" this
doc#0 has seen fit to distribute these funds
doc#0 . "Failure to do this will
doc#0 this will continue to place a disproportionate
doc#0 actions should serve to protect in fact
doc#0 with city officials to pass enabling legislation
doc#1 career goes back to his election to
doc#1 to his election to city council in
doc#2 getting strong encouragement to enter a candidate
doc#2 a state rally to be held Sept.
doc#2 would force it to take petitions out
doc#2 into voting precincts to obtain the signatures
doc#2 a unanimous vote to enter a candidate
doc#2 candidate, according to Republicans who attended
doc#2 whether it wanted to wait one more